Sunday, March 31, 2013

Well, I Hope the Columns Don't Fall in on Me.

I am going to church this morning. I really do not want to go, at this point in my life, Jesus and I are getting along pretty darn good.

My wife is singing in the church's cantata, musical, whatever it is called now days. It's not a "High Church" musical I am sure. It won't be written by John Peterson or as I prefer, George Frederick Handel...I hope there is not preaching afterwards. For some reason, today's preachers can't let the music stand alone, they feel like they have to say something....and kill the mood....maybe it's an ego thing now.....( I can remember when ministers let the music stand alone and offer an invitation.)

We'll see....

Friday, March 29, 2013

Kim Jong-Un...Aggie Fan

Well, it's official, the dictator of N. Korea is crazy, he is now threatening to blow up the following cities in the United States....Washington D.C., LA.....and Austin , TX.

The only thing I can figure is he's a Texas A&M and Johnny Manziel fan....Sorry Aggies, it was too easy....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Going to Make One of You Really Mad

I received an essay on polygamy yesterday.....and before you get all mad and throw stuff, the email was from a female....she was all for it...equal rights, all that other stuff.

I was literally shocked when I read it. All I could think of was how in this world would that work? They didn't comment on the blog from yesterday, so you can eliminate them from possible essay submitter.

All I could think of was ...What would you do if ALL of the guys you were married to were interested that day?  Who and how would you decide who to have kids with? What would you do, there has to be some sort of male jealousy?

The only thing I could think of was it would turn into some sort of Bizarro World gangbang every night.

Maybe I actually am too naive? Maybe I actually have lived too long? Perhaps it is time for me top move to the Farm in NE Texas and become some sort of hermit???

North Korea....Again

As I have written before, there is an internal fight in N. Korea between the President, Kim Jong Un, and his generals.

At 29 years old, he is the youngest leader in the world. ( Some debate on the age, he might be 30.) You can rest assure that the old guard in the North Korean leadership sees him as too young, too inexperienced to be in charge of a nation...( The Founding Fathers of the U.S. knew what they were doing when they made the age of the U.S. President a minimum of 35 yrs old.)

Trouble is, rather than ignore the little dictator, it seems the U.S. is wanting the N. Koreans to try and do something...In the past 24 hours we have sent 2 B-2s on a 13,000 mile trip from Missouri to Korea,  as a part of the war games we are involved with....

Now, the N. Koreans are not an innocent party. They have cut off all communications with the South Koreans. They are putting out photoshopped sea landings. and N. Korea warns of an imminent nuclear war with the U.S.

So, in reality, this entire N. Korea business is a power play.....trouble is, what happens if someone on either side presses it too far?


I am one who loves a political and religious discussion as much as the next person, but yesterday, well, we got out of control.

Stuff like this is part of the reason why I thought about shutting down the blog a couple of weeks ago. Personal attacks, are expected, but when you go off on each other over something I have written, well, it is a bit upsetting....107 comments yesterday, and while I expect some disagreement, I once again don't want people to become vicious.

Mitch teased me yesterday about causing so much animosity on Facebook, and in reality he was right. I went back about 6-8 times almost deleting the Facebook post and the blog.

Once again, the blog is to get people to think. It's not to get people up in arms over a subject.

Please, be civil. I know many of you have strong opinions about stuff, but don't lose your temper.

I'm having to put that damn teacher hat on again.....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

110,000,000 Cases of VD in America

So, there are now 110 million cases of VD in the US.....People, scratchin', itching, drippin', swellin', dischargin' , hurtin', stinkin'....all over this nation....the VD rate is growing faster than new job growth...( I guess so, people have to find something to do...)

The rate of VD is growing the fastest in the 15-24 age group. There is a 9 times better chance you'll get VD than a college diploma.

And is it any wonder. There are some companies in this nations that are totally bankrupt morally. Victoria's Secret is now supposedly coming out with a line of sexy clothes for Tweens ( Girls ages 11-13.) and teens.....Sad thing is, parents will buy the clothes for their kids....

If Gays Are Allowed to Marry, What's Next?

I was asked if the Supreme Court of the United States allows gay and lesbians to marry, what is next?
To my surprise, I got to thinking about this last night in bed, staring at the ceiling?

- Will there be a state that will allow polygamy or bigamy to exist? The only one who might let this happen is Utah, and I doubt the Mormon Church would allow this to come back. The Mormons are a pretty conservative mainstream bunch and I can't dream of them passing a state law to go back to having more than 1 wife....who in their right mind would want more than one in this day and age? I know of all the things I am going to discuss it is the most Biblical as Solomon had 700 wives and David had 8....trouble is if you let men have more than one wife, you'll have to let women have more than one husband....It'll be like the swingers group up in S. Jasper County. ( I'll need to write a blog on that....won't I...)

- Will Pedophilia be legalized? No shape, no way, no how....If you are wanting to marry an 11 year old you need to be taken out the back and shot.

- Will you be able to marry a dog or cat or donkey or a goat....once again, no. You can't really know if a dog or a monkey wants to be married or not, and anyone who is practicing bestiality also need to be taken into the back and shot too....then again, I had a professor at Lamar who was in favor of bestiality. He's dead now and I am pretty sure he went to hell.

- The one in the future and it just blew my mind thinking about it is having a robot as a mate....I won't live to see it, but there will be robots in the future so human like,  you will not be able to tell the difference. This is an ethical question I do not want to live see answered....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Wonder How Much Money Disappears at Schools?

After seeing that the Treasurer of the Jasper High Band Boosters is alleged to have stolen almost $8000 in scholarship monies from the booster's fund, it makes me wonder just how much fund money winds up missing.

The majority of the people I know can account for every penny they have collected for proms, dances, scholarships, etc, but you know, there have been some people in my past that I wonder about, and a lot of the people disappeared under really odd circumstances.

If there was one thing I was paranoid about when I was in the school business, it was both cash, and the school's Master Card. I remember having a discrepancy of $3.62 once and made sure I added the $3. 62 out of my own pocket so the books would balance. ( I couldn't tell you no more than anything what happened to the money. I am thinking the hotel charged us a tax that we shouldn't have been charged.)

I taught with people I know stole. Higher ups knew. They literally bragged about new dresses,  other new goods they had bought....( They are now with other school districts. )

Look, once again, most people are as honest as the day is long when they handle money, but there are times in which you wonder....

The Bible- TV Series

So, I have been watching the mini-series The Bible on The History Channel over the last few weeks and while it is a well produced show, there are so many things I see and then grab a Bible to remind myself, of things that were left out.

Jesus drawing in the sand when the woman caught in adultery is omitted along with Jesus taking a whip to the money changers at the Temple are just two of the glaring examples.

The first miracle at the wedding at Canaan, which is so important in symbolism to the Christian faith, is omitted.....

Then there are the actors...does it seem to me that Jesus really looks like a "dude" who should be smoking a fatty and getting ready to catch some waves?

I guess in this day and age we should expect all the disciples to have six-pack abs......How ever, did they really need to make Thomas the bald headed one?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Don't Let Your Guard Down

Okay, "Dingy" Harry Reid has taken the assault weapons and the magazine limit out of the new gun control bill working its way through the US Senate.

That doesn't mean that it will not appear again in the form of an amendment later down the road on this same bill. You can rest Diane Feinstein and Chucky Schumer will try and tack it on the present bill.

Look, the Mayor of NYC is spending $12 million dollars to try and get US Senators to change their minds.

The trouble is this folks, I am not so sure about this universal background check business. So, does this mean when I die and leave my guns to Reid, or your dad or grandfather dies and leaves the guns to you, for you to legally own the guns, you have to go through a background check.....ON ALL OF THEM?  Yes it does....Fuck that...

My understanding is the way the bill is written now, there are people pushing, in order for you to sell the guns and have them go through the background check, there must be some form of a bill of sale....from when you BOUGHT the gun...Good luck finding it from 1953.

Gays and Lesbians

The Supreme Court of the U.S. is going to look at 2 court cases concerning gays and marriage this week.

The first involved the State of California and the voters of that state deciding not to allow gay marriage. The second involves DOMA. (  Defense of Marriage Act.) That the U.S. Government has decided that marriage is only between a man and woman at the federal level.

I have come a long way in my views of homosexuality. For years and years I would have fought tooth and nail against gay marriages. I still have some reservations about it, but I am to this point....Who am I to decided who can marry and who can not?

I do not know what is in a person's heart. I do not know what their relationship between them and their maker is either. It is not for me to judge.

I am also a believer that this is a state's rights issue. If a state wants to allow gay marriage  that is their business, not mine, or another state or the U.S. Government's business.

There no way I can tell what the Supreme Court will decide this week. I really think they may allow states to decide on marriage within that state citing the 10th Amendment, and uphold DOMA....but who really knows?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Is There That Many People Doped Up?

So, as many of you know it a stretch of dates in which I visit several doctors, and it wasn't 30 minutes when I receive a call from a doctor's office I visit on Weds., asking if I had done my blood work for the visit  or course, I hadn't and the lady said, you need to get it done today at "XYZ" lab.

I drive to town and the there are people literally standing in line at the lab. I go and sign in and start my wait....and it was quite a wait, 2 hours and 18 minutes.

It seems it was drug test day. Not sure for who. Probation Office? Parole Office? Businesses? ( Couldn't tell, some people were dressed well, some were dressed like thugs.) I was the only one there for a blood and urine test....and they almost made me take the drug exam before they read my chart.

Makes you wonder just how many people are using narcotics in this country.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Got an Ugly Note this Morning

Once again, it seems I made someone mad in S. Jasper County.....again....Once again, I don't really care. I am not going to apply to work there ever again, and you wouldn't hire me if I did...

We may need to discuss the bond and other "stuff" tonight on the radio show.

Look, putting your head in the sand like an ostrich doesn't make troubles go away and it seems like I am the only one who asks questions, sometime to what seems like my peril.

If I hurt "plans" I really don't care. There are numerous patrons who have told me to keep doing what I am doing. There are people who are upset, but they can't say anything....I can, so I take the heat.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Psychological and Cultural War and the End of School

I have been always been a supporter of public schools. That said, I am now wondering if it has outlived its intended purpose.

I do not think you know how much it pains me to say that.

Schools were started in an attempt to help everyone in this nation learn enough to get a job, go to college, become a better citizen and person in general....But in the last few years they have become more and more of an indoctrination tool.

A few years ago when they wanted to use CSCOPE in the schools as a way to pass the then TAKs exam, I saw my career as a teacher coming to a rapid end.

What they are wanting teacher to do is to be a script manager for generalized curriculum for all kids, for here in Texas. It will eventually be for all of the U.S. It is part of the dumbing down of the U.S.

Look, I never used a damn curriculum I was ever given. I know they were all shit. I made my own stuff of what you needed, and what you missed and turned it into a 1/2 year of " Hell on earth" in the government class. ( Look, we just sort of went through economics. You were seniors and had the "ities" bad. I just tried to teach you a little something and make sure you didn't shut down to the point you were not going to graduate. )

The sad part is the legislators in Austin don't really care. They are wanting vouchers not so much for your kids, but for the "so called" Charter Schools, so they friends can get in on the money making floor from the state teat...Sad thing is this, most of the Charter Schools also use CSCOPE.

I don't know, the culture in this nation is changing so much I do not know if I want to be alive in 10 years. When the police raid a house because an 11 year old boy is holding a rifle on a Facebook page, I have to wonder....what will teachers be instructed to tell the kids about gun ownership in the future?

B-52s to Korea

This morning in S. Korea, hackers hit both banks and broadcasters. They are pretty sure the hack attack came from the North Koreans.

Say what you will, you will, we're going to have to keep an eye on the Korean Peninsular. Anytime the U.S. 7th Air Force starts to fly B-52 on mock nuclear bombing runs from Guam to Korea, you have to sit up and pay attention.and you know, the B-52s had enough firepower on board to kill 5-20 million people....

This entire episode is due to the fact that Fat Boy is trying to show the old leaders and generals that he is in charge of N. Korea. Fat Boy has several million people starving and he's worried about building drones. 
Which are probably remote controlled planes he ordered from a hobby catalog....

AT&T Kids Commercial

So, you probably have seen the commercials on TV, AT&T has a group of ads in which some smart ass asks kids questions about common sense things....

There are always 4 kids, and the kids have an answer to the questions.....and you know the ads have to be staged.

My question is this....Do all the kids look sort strange to you? Like the one of the kids has too pretty of eyelashes, or the kid's hair looks all fucked up?

Next time the commercial is on, look at the kids....Tell me there isn't something odd going on....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pull Some Maintenance Buna ISD

My late Father said that on more than one occasion. " If you own things, a house, a car, a boat have to pull some maintenance to keep it working."

Well it seems the Buna ISD doesn't want to do this.

Rumor is many of the photos of things needing painting .  or just some simple taking care of at the HS. 

Junior High photos. 

Buna Public Schools is going to ask for a several million dollars for new schools. If they can't afford to keep up the maintenance, how long will it be before they will be ask for another bond? 5-10 years? Look, the new elementary had air condition troubles and many of the rooms didn't have proper air or heating for about 2 years. ( They finally hired someone to fix it.)

Will you be asked to build new schools and then, they the schools will not be maintained? It will only be a short time before they too will have serious troubles?

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Keep Saying We're Going to Hell

I generally leave one of the 3 major news station on while I am around the house doing whatever....The major news story should be the fact that the common  people of Cyprus may have their bank accounts raided by the European Union to pay Cyprus' debts...Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, etc could be next.

If they do it in Europe, don't think they won't try to do it here in the U.S. next. I could see the U.S. Debt getting so bad here, they just decide to tax our bank accounts, or more importantly, the 401K or IRA retirements.

What are they talking about? Lindsey Lohan is in court today...who cares? Put her in prison...but what did she get? Rehab....Me or you would be in the van going to Huntsville...

I call B.S. Buna ISD

I take a look for any new information on the proposed school bond and as I see a survey. 

Yes, it one of those polls that isn't scientific and if they use it to actually make a decision on what they are going to build, and if they are going to build, with this poll, I am sorry, but they are full of shit.

The way the poll is set up, anyone could take the poll. Some pud-pull in Juneau , Alaska or a beat-root in Bangor, Maine, someone in the Evadale or Kirbyville ISDs could have taken it...

Hell, the ballot box could be "stuffed" the way the paper survey is set up....

If you want to do an actual poll, of what the people in the community want in their school, there is a scientific polling method of people who actually live within the school district. What you have set up online can be manipulated so easily, it is not even funny.....and they want the taxpayers to think this is serious.

I remember a survey like this within the Buna ISD in which of one of the campuses had more votes than people working on that campus...many used the same system for this survey.

Once again, I call B.S.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fat Boy is Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

I really do not know what in the Hell Fat Boy wants. He was shooting his artillery yesterday near the DMZ...

Today, he fires short range missiles into the Sea of Japan.

The U.S. must be concerned because we are now setting up more short ranged missiles to knock down anything launched towards the west coast. 

I am telling you, it is his haircut...if we just sent a half way decent barber over there, this entire mess would end....Here's a photo of him coming out of the barber shop on Wednesday before his last military "fit."

Seriously, we need to watch this N. Korea mess. It could get out of hand fast...very fast...

Come on, Poppa Needs a New Pair of Shoes!!!

Well, stopped in Kirbyville last night on the way to the radio show ( I know, I know ) and I noticed at the store that the Powerball is now up to $212 million dollars. 

I will buy a couple of tickets tonight....I know that there are a couple of people I need to hire.

Bunky is out of a job, I'll hire him to be my driver and wash the cars ever day. ( I'll make him grow his hair out, just to see what it looks like.)....Paw needs a job doing something.....I can hire the Troll to cook.I'll get her a chef's hat to make her look taller.The tallest chef's hat made....

Then, bring back cotton to Northeast Texas and farm until I go broke and then the government will bail me out....( Ain't been cotton on the family farm since the 1940s...not sure with soil depletion it can even be done....)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Texas School District Has Their Own SWAT Team

When I first read the story, I thought it would be someone like Dallas or Houston or San Antonio ISDs....But no, it is the Edinburg ISD down in the Valley section of the State of Texas.

I don't know really how to take this.....Are we to the point that we now need SWAT teams for the school districts? Can't they use the city or county SWAT Team? ( I know Hidalgo County has a SWAT Team.)

They are issuing the 12 members of the team M4 rifles.

I do not know if I was a parent if I would want a fully auto fire-fight at a school in which my kid attends.

Makes you wonder????

I Actually Have Gun Question

Do any of you have a Tokarev pistol? ( Romanian)

File:TT 1.jpg

I was offered one fairly cheaply with ammo in the last couple of days. (Might just buy it to help the guy out.)

Had a P-64 for a while and sold it. Sad I did....( Not an expert of Soviet bloc handguns.)

So, if anyone has one of these, give me some input.

The New Pope and Number 13.

I am going to write a couple of blogs on the new Pope. The first one will about him and his relationship to the number 13...and you can take this for what it is worth...coincidence or the numerologist at the Vatican working overtime...( The Vatican has a numerologist, they'll deny it, but the US Government has a few working for them..)

Ordained- 12/13/1969
White smoke from stove- 7:06pm Rome time 7+6-13
Was introduced to the crowd - 8:13pm Rome time.
His age. 76 7+6=13
The number of days from Benedict's resignation to Francis' election? 13 days
Date of election to Papacy: 3/13/2013  3+1+3+2+0+1+3=13

Coincidence? Maybe? Just something to think about....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I wonder about the new Pope.....I wonder if the Cardinals picked him because of the prophecy of St Malachy? Go to South America?

Francis I only has one working lung. He was 2nd place in all the voting last time. He is a Jesuit, the first Jesuit....He is of Italian heritage.

I am watching ETWN, the Catholic network, and from their reaction, they are in shock....


If you remember ( those of you who took my class) I told you that the next Bush to run for office would be George P. Bush. The son of Job Bush, the former Florida Governor....

He's been prepping for this position for quite some time. Went to Rice, law school at UT-Austin, working for a firm that specializes in real estate law...

He is running for Texas Land Commissioner in 2014. ( In charge of Texas' oil and gas leases, the permanent school fund, Texas beaches, all Texas lands. )

If he is elected he'll be the 4th generation Bush elected to office....

Trust me, this is just a stepping stone position.....He'll run for US Senate from Texas or Governor of Texas one day...get ready.