I understand if you need help with a Lone Star Card.
Espcially if you have kids or if you are getting older.
That said....
Today, I go to the local dollar store and get behind a woman who I know was pushing 300+ pounds with well, 4 hefty blonde-headed kids. Being nice calling them hefty.
They check out with stuff I consider good for children, eggs, sausage, milk, bread, orange juice. Looked like good breakfast items to me...and then, 7 bags of potato chips,( including a couple of the new Lay's biscuit and gravy) 3 bags of candy... big bags, 2 bags of Chips-ahoy. And before they're even paid for, the kids are tearing open the bags of chips. One dropped chips all over the place and she takes a swing at him and misses.( I understand getting a bag of chips, or cookies for the kids, but multiples?)
Then, once the cashier gets all the stuff checked, and the lady has placed all her items in her basket ( she'd gotten some other non-food items, she starts to dig through her purse. She can't find her card. She digs,and digs, and frickin' digs. )
She finally finds it after she pours everything out of her purse. On the check out roller dealie. And then, after this, she is short a considerable amount. ( has to pay for the non-Lone Star items.)
She has to write a check.
In the process, she screws up and has to start over.
By now, there are 5 other people in line, and another checker finally shows up, looks at me and says, " can I get you sir?"
I literally sprint over and check out.
When I leave with my items, she's still trying to write a check.
You know, this "I don't give a shit about anyone but myself has got to stop." Espcially when you're already having to live off the system.
Okay, rant off.
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