Saturday, July 11, 2015


So, the British newspapers are jumping up and down about the possibility of 'so called' " Mini Ice Age."

The Ice Age is to be caused by the sun going into a 'sleep.' ( Cooling down for a bit before it re-heats.)

Well, there are climate changes that we have not control over. And to be honest, if we have an Ice Age, there is little we can do about it.

Let me remind you that the weather here would be similar to perhaps Kansas or Nebraska and there would be dramatic periods of cold. You could see ice on the Neches and Sabine. Not frozen over, but ice.

In London, during the last Mini- Ice Age 1600-1870, the Thames River totally froze over and people were able to walk on the river, they even had horses pull wagons on the river. ( Man, I wouldn't want to know what Edinburgh was like...actually, I'd go to just see how cold it was.) The had celebrations on the river called " Frost Fairs."

The Great Lakes of what is now the United States had chunks of ice on them in July.

This period of predicted cold is now for 5 years yet ( 2020) and it remains to be seen just how accurate the " weather guessers" are.

That said, you do not know what the weather is going to be like.

I know they are saying this is an El Nino year for us here in Texas....which means a cooler and wetter Winter. We will see.

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