Sunday, July 12, 2015


So, Donald Trump has captivated the angry section of the Republican Party.

This is early in the campaign. We are 7 months away from the first primary in New Hampshire. 7 months. So many things will have changed since then. So much.

I know he's struck a nerve about people on immigration in the GOP.

But you've got to remember the following about Trump.

- He has not been a Republican very long.

- He has given millions of dollars to Democratic candidates.

- For years he has praised Hillary Clinton. It wasn't until he decided to run for US President that he turned against her.

- He was critical of Mitt Romney for taking weaker positions on immigration. He said Romney was " too mean" in other words it his only been in the last couple of years he has changed his position on immigration.

He has a lot of money. He could run as a third party spoiler.

He had a TV show. He has been a public figure for years.

Polls show this 30% think Trump is honest/trustworth....44% do not....62% of Republicans see him as a side show...

He ain't going to be president.

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