Monday, July 13, 2015

Okay Native Texans.....

So, there has been a huge jump up and down about secession from the union......again.

My questions are this....if you leave, whT are you going to do about the following?


People have gotten all excited thinking Texas is moving thier gold reserves from New York to Austin.

All $601 million dollars.

That would run the Texas Government until about 11am Tuesday. Texas' budget for the 16-17 Budget Years is $202 billion. That is running schools and taking care of highways. Just think how much it would increase if you had to have a defense budget, and trust me, that would triple the budget.

What would you do about the millions of Texans....

On Social Security?

On Medicare and Medicaid?

What would you do about all the Texans whose mortgage or car loans or boat loans are held in banks that are headquartered outside Texas?

If you print your money, it has to be fiat money, will be backed only if people accept it. ( and what if the Euro Zone or the Bank of England makes it worth a third of the dollar? You are screwed. )

Let's look at demographics

The Anglo ( that's white folks) population is about 11,000,000. The Latino population of Texas....10,000,000. And growing twice as fast as the Anglo population.

And the Latino population is much younger than the Anglo. Latinos are 51% of the make-up of Texas schools. Anglos? 29%.

If you secede, what happens if Latino community decides to rejoin Mexico again? Or a form of a Latin American nation?

If you are Republican, enjoy it. I've predicted this for a while. Texas will become more and more purple. In your life ( not mine I'm gone within 20 years) Texas will vote Democratic.

Secede from the union? Not going to happen...

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