Thursday, July 30, 2015

Amy Gossett Made Me Write This Blog...

And at this point in my life, she could probably "beat me like red-headed step-child."

In all seriousness, if I had to go back to work, teaching, playing piano in a whorehouse, whatever, I would try and out-dress the best dressed person at the 'shop.'

When I first started teaching a Buna, I wore a tie everyday. Often with a jacket. I had come from a district that required a dress shirt and tie and it had become a habit.

My first couple of years, I was given "grief" by believe it or not, by some female teachers for dressing "up." They were really upset because I didn't wear jeans on casual Friday's.

I finally went " Native" after a few years and started dressing " Bunanite."

For a while because they let me, I wore jeans everyday....and work boots.

My last few years in Buna, I came to my senses. I started dressing better. A coat and tie everyday.

I felt better. I looked more academic. I hit the tweed hard when it got colder. Say what you want, when you go out in public dressed-up, you get treated better. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

Amy made the remark that she hoped to get a position in which she would be able to wear a suit and heels everyday. We were talking about how people dressed on Mad Men. How well Don Draper dressed.....and everyone in those days dressed better.

I look forward to dressing up now. I really do. If I ever get another invite to a BHS reunion, I'll " dress to the nines."

Call me a fop, call me a dandy, but as Beau Brummell once said, " Clothes make the man." And today if you want to make yourself stand out from the pack, dress up.

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