Friday, July 17, 2015

When John Wayne Sucked...

Sorry Mattison Witt, he made some stinkers of some movies.

Two were on Thursday night. McQ and Brannigan.

Both of the movies were The Duke trying to cash in on the success of the " Dirty Harry" movies.

You see, before Clint Eastwood, John Wayne had been offered the role. He turned them down, said the movie was " too violet."

So, after the box office success of the " Dirty Harry" shows, he tried to cash in..

The two movies, made in 74-75 showed a 66-67 year old Wayne, who was sick by this time, ( He'd had a lung removed due to cancer) wearing a bad hair-piece, and carrying a gun well, John Wayne should have carried bigger gun.

I know the Colt firearm company was trying to sell guns from one of the movies, just like the S&W .44 mag. that Dirty Harry carried made everyone want a Model 29. John Wayne in Brannigan carried a Colt Diamondback .38 Special.

The Colt is a nice weapn, but by the mid-1970s, most cops were carrying a .357 mag. and all wanted not the Diamondback, but the Colt Python.( He carried the Python in the first movie. It was like he couldn't handle the .357 so he got a smaller pistol.)

I am a big .38 fan. My 84 year old mother carries a. 38....they are fun guns, they like all guns can do damage, but when I CHL, I carry a .44 special.

John, you should have retired before these movies. At some point, " old age humbles us all."

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