Friday, August 21, 2015

I Get More Ugly Mail!!!

I think I may need to get run another purge on Facebook.

In response to yesterday's blog on sex and people getting into trouble for sex, I received what amounted to a scathing private message.

It was in defense of Josh Duggar.

It seems they wanted to defend Duggar, that " he was be persecuted because he was a're an idiot..." And it continue on.

This PM was sent before Josh Duggar issued a press release about his Ashley Madison seems, the account was true.

Have I received an apology from the person who sent the message? Of course not. And I don't expect them to do so. They have to save face.

I frequent several sites in which there are many of us who are what is called "done."

One is full of professionals. Doctors, lawyers, professors, business people, former clergy...I actually feel funny when I post there, that somehow, I am not up to this bunch's standards, and they have accepted me as one of the group is a miracle...

A member from Scotland posted this yesterday. ( He's still mad at me because we didn't stop by his house for a cuppa when we were there. We just did not have time)

"What is happening is that an underground church is gradually being created. We’re seeing growing persecution, in other words, of those seeking to follow the risen Jesus rather than a man-made sock-puppet of controlled theology. But here that persecution comes, not from the state, but from within the professing church itself. The closest historical analogue I can think of is not the pre-reformation church of Rome but the creation of imperial Christianity when the Roman empire adopted, and thence inevitably took control of, the church."

And he's right. Today's church ain't cutting it for a bunch of us. And we are being persecuted for not being members.

It's funny, if you look at history, things just do not change.

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