Monday, August 10, 2015

If Anyone Wants to Know, or Was Curious

Our son has moved back in with us.

It has been an interesting month. He's been out of the house since 2006.

He pretty much has lived on his own since he graduated from high school, and went to college.

As many of you know, he lived in S. Korea for a year, South Texas for a year, and was in Jasper for a couple of years.

He was in Jasper working 70-80 hours a week, Saturday's and Sunday's at school, for basically $3000 a yr. more than the regular teacher and asked himself, " can I do this for another 35 years?" ( and the district he was in would have kept him probably for those years.)

As he said, he had no social life, no free time, the possibility of finding an age appropriate girlfriend or someone to date was slim. ( Say what you want, by age 25, most girls in this area are married, and the district he taught at had no single ladies.)

So, he asked to move home and go back to school.

Say what you want, Lamar is a value. So much cheaper than Texas or A&M.

He's taking science classes. Perhaps go into the medical field of some sort.( Looking hard at that.) At worse, get a science and math certificate and if you got a math cert, you can move anyplace in the state.

So, if anyone was curious, he's home...and in truth, it's been sort of nice.

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